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Adventures of Superman


The attentive Adventures of Superman viewer will note that in every scene in which he appears, Clark Kent is wearing a ring on his left pinky.  Like his distinctive horn-rimmed glasses, the ring disappears every time Clark dons his world-famous Superman costume.

What is the significance of this ring?  Why does Clark wear it?

No one knows for certain.

George Reeves is perhaps the most famous man to ever portray Clark Kent on the screen.  Apparently, George Reeves began wearing the ring sometime before his starring role in Adventures of Superman.  In addition to his many 1950s appearances as Clark Kent, he can be seen wearing the ring in some of his other cinematic appearances, publicity photos, and personal photographs from the 1940s, but it is not until the 1950s that he is always wearing it.

According to one source, the ring was a gift to George from his aunt when he graduated high school.

According to another, it was actually a gift to George from his mother.

A third source relates that the ring was a wedding gift from George's wife.

The ring's current whereabouts are unknown.

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