A lot of movies achieve immense success at the box office
and immediately gain a devoted following, but there are only a
handful of films that become instant classics. Films like The Wizard
of Oz, Lawrence of Arabia, Star Wars and Jaws had that something
special and are rightly considered masterpieces. Superman: The Movie
is just such a film. From the moment people first strapped
themselves in for the ride, Superman was an Event. It's one of the
truly great gems of modern American cinema.
The surprise of Superman: The Movie is that twenty-two years
later, it still holds up extremely well. The pioneering effects work
developed for the film, while not as seamless as today's digital
technology, retains a classy, realistic look that brought the myth
of Superman boldly to life. If I do have a nit-pick with the film,
is that some of its late 70s aesthetics, clothes and hairstyles
still inspire a giggle or too. But all films date a bit, and in the
case of Superman, it still doesn't detract from my appreciation and
enthusiasm for the film.
For this brand-new, fully restored DVD release of Superman: The
Movie, director Richard Donner has reinstated eight minutes of
footage cut from the original 1978 theatrical release. The overall
effect of the new footage is just more of a great thing. The
additions help to flesh out characters a bit more, especially Jor-El
(Marlon Brando), given his short screen time in the original. Such
additions as a scene where Superman discusses his newfound purpose
with his long since gone father is a good example. This is a rare
case in which the changes made for a new special edition don't
detract from the story, such as they often do in many other
director's cuts and alternate versions. (For a detailed look at the
changes made to the new edition, visit our Cut
List update.)
Of course, I really feel like writing this makes absolutely no
difference anyway, as most people already love Superman: The Movie.
If you are a die hard fan, I'd like to recommend that you take a
look at the Superman
Cinema site, which has loads of info and says it far better than
I ever could. I've spent countless hours there, and you should too,
for more than you ever thought you could know about Superman on the
big screen. And if for some inexplicable reason you still haven't
seen Superman: The Movie...smack! See it!
Video: How Does The Disc Look?
My only real reference point for analyzing this new transfer are
my memories of seeing the film theatrically about two years ago, and
the old widescreen laserdisc which is about ten years old now, and
quite poor by just about any standard. Colors were dull and the
picture was obscured by a hazy softness that, while somewhat
reflective of the original look of the film, was full of grain and
dirt, especially during the film's many optical effects shots. I
think a lot of people naturally assumed that this is how Superman
always had and always would look. Well, hold on to your Kryptonite,
because the restored image presented on this DVD is absolutely
breathtaking! (Click here
for some screenshot blowups and see for yourself.)
All of that haze is gone. There's still a soft-filtered, dreamy
quality to the picture, but it now appears as it should: intentional
and appropriate. Instead of the whole frame being somewhat blurred,
you can now see background details, yet the transfer still retains a
diffused look to the lighting. I was absolutely astonished at how
smooth and film-like this image appeared, with a high amount of
detail and image depth. This is the first time that I've ever seen
the film that I was able to make out that one of the future
locations in Lex Luthor's "new West Coast" is actually "Teschmacher
Peaks," complete with a not so subtle double entendre - twin
mountain peaks with nipply snow atop!
Also greatly improved are the colors, which were pale in the
original transfer, but now leap off the screen with great vitality.
The red, blue and yellow of Superman's suit are bold and majestic.
Fleshtones lose the grayish hue that dominated the older prints and
the laserdisc transfer, looking far more natural here. This was
immediately noticed in the early Krypton scenes, where the overblown
whites of the costumes once dominated the screen, leaving all else
washed out in the process. Now, they are much more solid, with true
fleshtones visible even under the harsh lighting of Krypton. Color
correction has also been applied that rectifies some of the
deficiencies inherent in 70's photographic technology. Some of the
flying shots were done against a blue screen, necessitating that
Superman's suit be altered in those shots to turquoise, so as not to
blend in with the background. Some tweaking was done originally to
try and compensate, but they were never able technically to achieve
the true blue of his suit. Digital technology has now been employed
here to correct all of those shots, so that the suit now appears in
its true hue.
Another major area where prior Superman transfers fell apart was
in the area of dirt and grain. When the film's huge number of
effects shots were created, effects artists had to combine separate
elements optically from several pieces of film (also known as
"compositing.") This usually resulted in film grain being much more
pronounced, and any dirt that might have been present in between
layers would be preserved in the final composite. With the new DVD,
almost all of the dirt that was highly visible in older prints of
Superman are gone. Period! It was most noticeable to me during the
film's finale, when Superman flies into the clouds where he is
confronted by the voices of his two fathers. Previously, the image
was riddled with black dirt particles against the whites of the
clouds. Not any more. Film grain has also been reduced, although it
is still present. It is here that the new transfer most closely
resembles the old - there were only a few times when I found it
distracting, but for the most part I didn't even notice.
The disc has been well authored with no traces of
compression pixel break up to mar the image. I did notice some
slight edge enhancement, but I was never distracted by it at all.
The new footage that has been added is blended seamlessly. I bet
that if you didn't know a scene was new to this cut, there's no way
you would be able to tell based on the transfer. This is one
excellent picture that is sure to please all the fans that have been
(eternally) waiting and hoping their favorite superhero would be
treated well on DVD. Overall, the final result is one that I'm
pleased to say most likely surpasses even the quality of the prints
during the film's original theatrical run.
Audio: How Does The Disc Sound?
Alright, let's get on to the controversy. There has already been
near-endless debate about the newly remastered 5.1 soundtrack
created for this new version of Superman. But the most important two
words when it comes to this discussion are tone and
intent. But before we get into that, we must first go back a bit
and retrace the history of the Superman soundtrack. Superman: The
Movie was released on December 15, 1978, with both 35mm stereo and
70mm Dolby 6-track discrete presentations. Superman was the first
film to use the "split surround" format that we are all quite
familiar with today, and is now common in theaters with the numerous
Dolby Digital, DTS and SDDS presentations out there. As this would
seem an ideal situation for transferring the soundtrack for the
home, a few interesting problems arose that made it more
complicated. Apparently, the effects stems used for the 1978 6
channel mix of Superman were in less-than-pristine condition, and
deemed not suitable for use as a new multi-channel theatrical track,
much less on a DVD. The solution to the problem was to recreate the
effects track using newly recorded effects, then remix the film with
the new effects along with the original dialog and music tracks. It
is the inclusion of these newly-recorded sound effects that has
"purists" foaming at the mouth.
I've heard the argument by some that recreating the effects track
was more cost efficient than restoring the original tracks. I've
also heard complaints that if the dialog and music stems survived,
why wouldn't the effects also have been similarly preserved?
Speaking with a noted DVD technician (who has worked on more than a
handful of discs you probably own) I was informed that recreating an
entire effects track is in no way a cheap solution to restoring an
original effects track, especially when the original track is
missing, not just damaged. But how could just the dialog and music
tracks have survived? Well, that seems a bit more obvious. It is
impossible to take a twenty-two year old film and completely
re-record the entire dialog track with every actor involved in the
film. So with dialog, what you have existing is just about all that
you can really use. With the music tracks, the word is that a
completely new master of the score was discovered that was long
thought to have been lost (which is why you might find the music on
the DVD to sound even better than the Rhino
2-CD release from last
So, after all that, how does it sound? Well, some may
think that I'm nuts, but this soundtrack is amazing. Actually, it's
better than amazing, it's a revelation. Fidelity is awesome, with
sharp, defined highs and thunderous, beefy lows. The soundfield is
almost constantly active with aggressive directionality hitting you
from all sides. Dialog is crisper and cleaner than I've ever heard
it before. There are so many lines of dialog in the film that I had
never even heard before. The condition of the dialog track is
generally excellent, with very little in the way of background hiss
or distortion. Surrounds are really put to the test, and are heavily
directional. Sounds are placed all around the back of the room
including, in many instances, dialog that matches the onscreen
action very well. Listening to Lex's high frequency invitation to
Superman or the tutelage of young Kal-El as he journeys to earth,
the voices are given space in the back of the soundfield, sounding
completely convincing and appropriate. There's also some incredible
imaging across the back of the room and along the sidewalls. As the
cable thrashes around, just before crippling Lois' helicopter ride
to the airport, the sound of the cable was clearly heard outside of
the right channel, reaching solidly where there were no speakers.
So what of the new effects? Well I happen to think that the
effects work done for this soundtrack is absolutely superb. I'm
going back to those words I began with: tone and intent. Even with
the new effects, this is still Superman: The Movie, only augmented
and enhanced. The tone of the film remains intact. All involved have
matched the new effects to much of the original track and, where
appropriate, attempted to improve upon it. Again, the intent of the
new remix was not to degrade the film but to enhance it. It's not
like they took out the John Williams score and replaced it with a
new one by Danny Elfman! I'm also on the side of this new recreation
and remix for several other reasons. First, it just plain sounds
better than the original. Comparing it to the older 2 channel track
from the laserdisc, it's no contest. The original track is
completely flat, without any of the punch that gives the new
soundtrack so much life. I guarantee that most people, after hearing
this new track all the way through, will never care to hear the
older mix again. Second, director Richard Donner was involved and
obviously had to sign off on it. When Superman was released, the
filmmakers were up against an incredibly tight release schedule
(they didn't even get a premiere because finishing the film went
right up until the film's theatrical release). With a collaborative
medium such as film, there are going to be compromises. Compound
those with a looming release date that can't be missed under any
circumstances, and you have a film soundtrack that most definitely
isn't a complete representation of what the director ultimately
wanted. If Donner is pleased with whatís been done here, who am I to
tell him he's wrong?
Finally, this is not 1978's Superman: The Movie, this is 2001's
Superman: The Movie. It's a new cut of the film with 8 additional
minutes of footage, a cleaned up negative and retouched effects
shots. If I'm allowing myself to readjust to new scenes and effects
shots, why not the audio, too? Don't be a purist if you don't know
what the word actually means. I have to say that the newly added
scenes were far more of a distraction for me than any of the new
effects could ever have been. If you love the movie, the new effects
probably won't (and shouldn't?) bother you, as they truly do enhance
the story and draw you in even more than before. Now, I do agree
that Warner should have included at the very least the original
2-channel surround track of Superman, preserving the original mix in
some way. But after hearing both, I would immediately take the
reworked edition over the decades old original. But it should have
been included nonetheless.
No foreign languages tracks have been included, but the
disc does have English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles,
along with English closed captions.
Supplements: What Goodies Are There?
As if the amazing picture and sound isn't enough to already
warrant an instant purchase, Warner has packed this DVD-18 with a
wonderful collection of bonus material that will surely make every
Superman fan foam at the mouth. But first, I must mention the
fully animated menus that just left me in awe. (Click here
for a menu preview.) As you start up the disc on either side, you
swirl inside a transparent Superman symbol, swooping all around as
footage from the film reflects off the sides, finally pulling back
to reveal the magnificent "S" in all it's glory, underscored by the
opening strains to the famous theme. It's not too often that menus
really give you a chill, but the ones for Superman definitely set
the mood and get you excited about watching the film. Thankfully
they are not overly complicated - this is definitely a less-is-more
type of thing, and they are absolutely perfect.
Side one begins with a new screen-specific audio
commentary featuring director Richard Donner and "Creative
Consultant" Tom Mankiewicz (we'll get to that creative consultant
thing in a moment). Die hard fans of the film are going to go nuts
during this track, as Donner and Mankiewicz dish the dirt on the
film (or films, as they were - Superman and Superman II were filmed
simultaneously by Donner) as well as the stuff that never made it to
screen. The rumors were that there was ensuing chaos behind the
scenes, and this track would seem to bear that out. With a story by
Godfather scribe Mario Puzo, the screenplay was then written by Puzo
along with Robert Benton and David and Leslie Newman, all of whom
received screen credit. What is revealed in the commentary is that
the screenplay was, for the most part, actually written by
Mankiewicz, a friend of Donner's brought in to fix what was wrong
with the original, much campier treatment. But because of odd
Writers Guild of America guidelines, Mankiewicz received no screen
credit and was given the title of "Creative Consultant" instead,
with his credit immediately following that of the credited writers,
much to the disapproval of the WGA (who didn't want his credit on
there at all.) It's obvious listening to Mankiewicz that he truly
was the force behind the screenplay as he remembers just about every
line in or out of the movie. There were also some great ideas that
Mankiewicz had for the sequel that never made it to the screen,
after Donner was unceremoniously fired as director of Superman II,
despite already having shot 70% of the material by the time the
original film was released. And even more fun, the pair speak with a
loving distaste for each other that is palatable throughout. (At one
point during the reinstated "Gauntlet scene," Mankiewicz, after
realizing that the scene was ultimately unnecessary and cut from the
original film, (jokingly?) ribs Donner."Geez, how many days did you
waste shooting all this stuff?") Donner goes into detail about the
effects, many that required pioneering new production techniques
never before attempted. From the intricacies of doing front
projection work for the flying shots to the happy accidents such as
the one that gave Superman one of its most unique and innovative
costuming achievements, this is one of those tracks that you just
don't want to end. I'm actually really impressed with the amount of
detail these guys remember so long after the film was made.
Also on side one of the disc is an isolated music
track with John Williams Oscar-nominated original score in full
Dolby Digital 5.0. However, contrary to original expectations, there
is unfortunately no commentary by Williams included. Recorded at a
bit rate of only 384kbps (a crime for a music only track - hopefully
Warner will see this as a prime candidate for a DVD-Audio release),
I found the score to sound great, but not as good as it does during
the feature, which contained more active surrounds with better
imaging. Just a quick comparison of the opening credits and you'll
see what I mean. Also on disc one is Superman: The
Legacy, eleven pages of text that discusses the origin of
Superman, from his days as a comic book hero through to the planned
remake that (hopefully) remains never to be made. Also included are
standard cast and crew filmographies for Marlon Brando, Gene
Hackman, Christopher Reeve and director Richard Donner, and an
added scenes index for all the changes in this new cut of
Superman. There are ten scenes or scene extensions listed, and while
I'm not exactly sure why you would want to view just one scene, you
can if you want. There's also a single page Awards List of
the honors Superman The Movie received when it was released in 1978,
though it's actually a bit misleading as the film won one award! Oh
well. Finally, the original theatrical trailer is included in
2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen and mono sound. (And check out the new
re-release theatrical trailer here)
Moving to side two of this massive set, the main menu is broken
down into two categories: "Documentaries" and "Additional Special
Features." Within documentaries, there are three newly-created
features covering the making of the film. A quick word about the
documentaries: all three of them, co-produced by Michael Thau and
Jonathan Gaines, really seem like one long documentary split into
individual segments. They feature an enormous roster of talent from
the film, all providing new interviews, including Donner and
Mankiewicz, Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman, composer
John Williams, editor Stuart Baird, casting director Lynn
Stalmaster, optical effects supervisor Roy Field and many, many
others, as well as archival interview footage of Brando and
production designer John Barry. I would recommend that the first two
of these docs be viewed in order, at least on your first viewing, as
they possess a strong narrative flow and play better back to
The first documentary is entitled Taking Flight: The
Development of Superman, and is a thirty minute retrospective
look at the film, hosted by Marc "Jimmy Olsen" McClure. It focuses
on how the oftentimes arduous process of just getting the film made,
from signing Brando and Hackman to secure funding, to the search for
just the right actor to embody the Man Of Steel. It was interesting
to see that Bond veteran Guy Hamilton was originally set to direct,
and the documentary presents a few bits of the concept art and
footage that Hamilton did for the film. It was vastly different than
what it finally ended up being, so praise be to Donner! The second
documentary, Making Superman: Filming the Legend, also runs
thirty minutes and covers the production of the film once shooting
commenced. There's plenty of behind-the-scenes footage included, and
this is where you'll find out the real story behind some of the
legendary difficulties making Superman, with the infamous Salkinds
seemingly torpedoing their own film. This is also where attention is
devoted to both the editing and musical score for Superman: The
Movie. I really was hoping, like with the commentary, that this
documentary would not end when it did, as it is so entertaining and
informative! The third feature is a twenty-minute examination of the
film's groundbreaking effects work, called The Magic Behind the
Cape. With optical effects supervisor Roy Field, we are taken on
a tour of the many different methods needed to make us believe that
a man could fly. It's another outstanding piece, although I actually
learned something here that I'm sort of disappointed to find out,
but I won't spoil it for you. Such is the price you pay when these
documentaries are so well done...
Moving over to the additional special features we have
some screen tests for Clark Kent aka Superman, Lois Lane and
Ursa (the female Kryptonian villain that abused Superman heavily in
Superman II), all with introductions from casting director Lynn
Stalmaster. For Clark Kent/Superman, we are treated to roughly ten
minutes of Christopher Reeve's original test as he played two
scripted scenes with Donner's old Omen star Holly Palance ("It's all
for you, Kal-El!") It's fairly obvious that Reeve was absolutely
right for the role, and legitimately this is one of the few times
where an actor and the part he plays are so perfect it had to be
fate. For the Lois Lane screen tests, we get another eleven minutes.
This time, however, we get to see some of the women who might
have been Lois Lane. Trying out for the role were Anne Archer,
Lesley Ann Warren (who's absolutely horrible), "Rizzo" herself
Stockard Channing, and finally Margot Kidder. I was actually really
impressed with Channing as Lois, although it's truly hard to imagine
any one else in the role of Lane after Kidder made it her own. For
Lois' screen tests, Stalmaster has recorded commentary to discuss
the variables in each actresses performance and where and how they
differed from what the director ultimately wanted. Ursa's screen
test is the most bizarre, because not only did she have to act and
be fairly menacing, she had to be able to effectively flip a
stuntman in the audition to prove she could handle the physicality
of the role. Ursa's screen tests only run two minutes, and are much
less interesting than then either of the lead character's.
Of the mounds and mounds of additional footage that was shot for
Superman, Richard Donner has chosen only two additional deleted
scenes to be included on the disc. Running about three and a
half minutes total, the first scene sets up the second with Luthor
forcing to Otis to "feed the babies," some sort of wild animals
housed in the lower reaches of an abandoned elevator shaft. The
second ties in with that as Superman, after saving the country and
stopping the disaster of the bombing, returns to Luthor's lair as
Luthor and Otis are dropping Ms. Teschmacher down the shaft to "feed
the babies." Superman flies down the shaft and reemerges with Ms.
Teschmacher, nabbing Luthor and Otis in the process. Both of the
scenes look fairly finished, and are even presented in anamorphic
widescreen. Another great inclusion are eight additional music
cues cut from John Williams' score, again presented in Dolby
Digital 5.0. The additional cues are for the "Main Titles,"
"Alternate Main Titles," "The Council's Decision," "The Krypton
Quake," "More Mugger/ Introducing Otis," "Air Force One," "Chasing
Rockets" and a funky pop version of "Can You Read My Mind." (And you
really have to hear that one to believe it!)
Finally, rounding out this incredible set we have some
promotional material, starting with the film's rather interesting
teaser trailer, in anamorphic widescreen and mono sound. The
teaser touts the names of Superman's impressive cast while we fly
through the clouds. It's interesting to note that the names are
presented in the same flying credit sequence that was adopted for
the final film. A thirty-second TV spot is also included,
also in anamorphic widescreen. Odd, since no TV spot of the time
would have ever dared show any sort of black bars!
Parting Thoughts
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's one of the best DVDs I've ever
had the pleasure of experiencing. While some people might try to
dissuade you from buying into this version of Superman, insisting
that it's an abomination - new cut, touched up effects, recreated
soundtrack - as a huge Superman fan, I am more than thrilled with
what Warner has done for this new release. Trust me when I say that
the filmmakers and producers have treated the film with the utmost
care and respect for the Man Of Steel. I've never seen Superman look
so great or sound so inspired. This easily ranks as one of the best
overall DVDs I've seen. Ever.