Superman Through the Ages!Holliston School Committee  
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Guest Book Entries from July, 1997!


This Superman site is great. I really enjoy reading about Superman in the 60's when I was enjoying Action and Superboy comics.

- Joseph Martinez, Thu, 31 Jul 1997 23:01:38 GMT

Just to congratulate you for the page

- Fernando Reus, Thu, 31 Jul 1997 02:15:48 GMT

Thanks, Fernando!

I just love Superman

- Erik Sveningsson, Sun, 27 Jul 1997 09:53:17 GMT

I hail from Singapore and have been collecting Superman comics for a decade! Cool website! I have been trying to locate some of Superman's silver-age comics but to no avail. Any suggestions? It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman!!!!! Superman rules!!!!!!!

- Jayson, Sat, 26 Jul 1997 02:13:07 GMT

I think Superman's new costume & powers are a bad idea. They shouldn't be changed!

- Harry Sanford, Fri, 25 Jul 1997 02:53:06 GMT

I have just joined the Internet and I'm very pleased to find out that there is such a site about superman on the internet.

- Talal Jarrah, Thu, 24 Jul 1997 18:48:53 GMT

I am a Glenville High School Alumnus. Class of 1975 and Corresponding Secretary of our Alumni Association. The memory of Jerry Siegel is still alive at Glenville High School in Cleveland, Ohio. Our mascot is a robot and although no one can come up with how a mechanical man became our mascot we would like to think that it had to be the brainstorming of the creator of Superman, Jerry Siegel. He will forever be fond in all fellow "Glenville Tarblooders" memories.

- Arlene De'Loach, Thu, 24 Jul 1997 14:40:14 GMT

I just like them! I read them all the time. I have 20 Superman comic books and love them to death.

- Jostab, Tue, 22 Jul 1997 07:57:42 GMT

Marvelous website!! It's the best, most comprehensive Superman site I've ever seen!! Keep up the great work, and if you can, update regularly!! By the way, I noticed your novels page. I found it to be very interesting. Do you know where I can get any of these novels (except the Kingdom Come book)? Thanks again for entertaining me and informing me. Up, up, and away!

- Drew Compton, Wed, 16 Jul 1997 03:22:20 GMT

Thanks Drew! George Lowther's Adventures of Superman is currently in print and should be available at your local bookstore. If they are unable to order it for you, you can also buy it at Last Son of Krypton and Miracle Monday are only available at used bookstores, but there is a rumor that they may be back in print soon!

(no comments)
- Matt Olexiewicz, Tue, 15 Jul 1997 04:50:12 GMT

Superman will always be the coolest superhero, Blue or Red. Keep up the good work, guys. This site is Super-cool.

- twilight salaam, Sat, 12 Jul 1997 21:15:06 GMT

I have a mint copy of # 1 superman. but, it's a reprint. 1988. 50th anniversary edition. Does anyone know if it is worth anything? Thanks Much

- Rick, Tue, 8 Jul 1997 15:48:48 GMT

Rick, we've got that very same issue and think it's worth a lot!

This has got to be the best Superman Website I have seen yet!  I've loved Superman ever since I was 2!  I know it because I have a scar to prove it!  (i tried to fly like Superman, in those nifty superman pajamas!)  Now that i'm 12 I have money to buy better Superman things!  Not just comics or pajamas!  Every Superman thing I find I buy it!  But all I really have to say is WELL DONE!!!!!  And did I mention I LOVE SUPERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Tomar (#1 fan of SUPERMAN), Tue, 8 Jul 1997 00:38:45 GMT

Thanks!  And although we don't want to mention any names, we know for a fact that you're not the only one with flight scars :-)   Kids, don't try this at home!

This is one of the most detailed and informative sites I've seen. You've reminded me of so many wonderful stories that -- unfortunately -- aren't part of the Super-mythos anymore.
Thanks for the memories.

- Norm Jarvis, Mon, 7 Jul 1997 06:27:06 GMT

You're welcome, Norm - as long as these stories are remembered, they are part of the mythos!

This morning, Fraser (who was 4 on June 25) asked, "How come Superman wears his underwear on the outside of his clothing, but Clark Kent doesn't (wear his on the outside of his clothing)?" I think he has a point. Fraser has asked his mummy to make him a Superman costume and to be sure to make it so that he can wear the underwear on the outside - just like Superman does.

Hmmm, and the grandparents wonder if this stuff is appropriate for young children...

- Jann Houston, Sun, 06 Jul 1997 04:03:35 GMT

We've always assumed that Superman's costume is based on a 1930's "Strong Man" costume, maybe something like what would have been worn in the circus.  So we don't think it's "underwear" - after all, how many people do you know that use a belt to hold up their briefs?

Where's Lois? No Superman history page is complete without Lois. Heck! You could make a whole page completely devoted to his girlfriends!

- Scott Mullen, scott mullen/MO/americancentury, Thu, 3 Jul 1997 22:40:43 GMT

You're absolutely correct, Scott - but we never claimed this site is complete! We still hope to cover Lois, Lori, Lana, Lyla, and all the rest!

Hi I love this site! Will you put the new costume in? I am also looking for anyone that would have a superman comic book in hebrew?

- Ian, Tue, 1 Jul 1997 17:28:04 GMT

Ian, you may want to read this note!

August, 1997 Guest Book entries

June, 1997 Guest Book entries


Thanks to everyone for signing the guest book and for your kind words - they are very much appreciated!

Regarding the blue-and-white costume: We're trying to focus on something a bit different here at - but for Inferno, carlos, and anyone else interested, The Superman Homepage maintains a page all about it.


If you have comments not intended for the Guest Book, please send email instead.   Thanks!

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