Superman Through the Ages!The EXILE at the EDGE OF ETERNITY!Holliston School Committee  
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Guest Book Entries from August, 1997!


You really have a great website. Superman is and always will be the greatest superhero ever. Visiting your site is a feast for the eyes. It is cool to see all the changes that Superman's suit and S design has gone through. Keep up the good work.

- Med-El, Fri, 29 Aug 1997 08:32:02 GMT

The following is an article I wrote for Kryptonian Cybernet in the June 1997 issue. I thought it would interest the staff and the readership after reading the section on the Steel Age Superman.

- Yosef Shoemaker, Thu, 28 Aug 1997 21:37:29 GMT

Thanks, Yosef! We've moved your article to the Super-Fans section!

What can I say that hasn't been typed before. I've always felt it was "corny" to be a Superman fan. The whole Batman's cooler 'cause he's got no powers sort of thing. But after the Death of Superman and the way they wrote his return, I've been "out of the closet" so to speak and making sure everyone knows that Kal-El is my favorite. My favorite quote is from the issue where he's back in the Uniform and he saves the Mom and Child from the wreckage. They say something like, "we thought we were dead." And Superman says, "I'd rather die again myself." Gosh, what a hero!

- Jesse Jackson, Thu, 28 Aug 1997 04:00:38 GMT

Always up for a discussion about the S-Man!

- Cory Laub, Sun, 24 Aug 1997 22:43:27 GMT

Great web site. I really enjoyed the different covers you had on display. Some of them I already have in my collection, but the others are a wonder to look at. The vast amount of knowledge you have compiled is terrrific. Keep up the good work.

- doug miller, Sun, 24 Aug 1997 06:01:40 GMT

Superman is by far the best hero around. Please change him back to the way he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- STEVE HOPKINS, Sun, 24 Aug 1997 03:11:36 GMT

We agree, Steve - try writing to DC Comics!

Very Nice Page... visit mi homepage:

- Alfonso Castillo, Sat, 23 Aug 1997 0:21:30 GMT

This is a great site on the man of steel. The articles and pictures are great. Nice clean design as well

- Bill Galvan, Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:52:40 GMT

I remember hearing of an alternate ending in the Crisis on Infinite Earths Series where Superman I removes an old man face to reveal an age free Golden Age Superman. Is there any evidence of this?

- Anonymous, Tue, 19 Aug 1997 02:28:45 GMT

That's the first we've ever heard about it! You might want to visit the Crisis on Infinite Earths  page for more information.

While Spawn is considered to be the hottest hero in the comic book market, Superman will always be hot because he demonstrates that true heroes fight for what is right and put their lives on the line for others and teaches us that we are our brother and sister's keepers.
If Spawn wants to be around for 60 years like Superman, then Spawn should act like a hero. This website is cool.

- Gregory McNeill, Mon, 18 Aug 1997 15:01:10 GMT

There's a right and wrong in this universe and that distinction isn't very difficult to make ... This is one of those things that you know is right. Thanks

- Rand Miranda, Mon, 18 Aug 1997 05:45:13 GMT

You're welcome, Rand - that's one of our favorite quotes :-)

Since 1978 (when the SUPERMAN the Movie made) I'm so regreted because that time I couldn't see that movie. But in that year, I began to collect all pictures about Super Heroes, including Superman. Right now, I have about 4000 pictures about Super Heroes (Superman, Batman, Spiderman, FF, etc).
Your site is very very useful for me, because I'd like to continue my collection via NET. Keep up the good work!

Regards, Yos

- Yosafat Agus S., Sun, 17 Aug 1997 20:22:08 GMT

Hi! I just thought I'd tell you what a great job you did compiling information on me. A good friend of mine, Bruce Wayne, and I were looking over it. He was also impressed. My new powers have put a lot of pressure on me lately but I'm doing my best to change back! ;) I have to be leaving now, the JLA Watchtower is calling. But please, keep up the good work!

"The first duty of the strong is to protect the weak."

Your friend always,

- Kal-el, Thu, 14 Aug 1997 17:48:59 GMT

Your Superman history is amazing. A job done very well. Congratulations. I am an old fan of Superman from Italy, despite my internet address.

- Luigi Travaglini

Just wanted to say that this page is amazing. It represents what Superman truly is to the world. Just writing to let you know that I have over 700 Superman related images, and if you need any more for your site, I would be more than willing to help out!

- Michael I Torres, Tue, 12 Aug 1997 15:13:25 GMT

Cool site! Visit a new cool Superman message board at:
Hope to see ya there! At that message board, every week, I'll post "Brainiac's Superman Site O' Da Week!" and Y'r there!

- Brainiac, Sun, 10 Aug 1997 16:02:40 GMT

i have been a fan of supes since i was 6 i am now 18...and i still love it...i collect his toys ..posters ..books...and stuffs..movies...i felt sad when he died... hey hes alive and well now right..!!
but i kinda disagree with the new costume... but i heard he will be donning back the old one later .. well just keep up the excellent the the way i am from singapore... we have lots of supes fans here...
SUPERMAN RULES..dig it..?!!!!

- Mohd Reza, Thu, 7 Aug 1997 13:36:20 GMT


- allan tefel, Mon, 4 Aug 1997 16:50:32 GMT

I'm 56 years old and grew up in Ecuador (South america). Superman has always been a tender mixture of Utopia and Nostalgia for me. Therefore he is one of the best memories I cherish. Your page honors this kind of in-depth approach, and I thank you for it. As editor of a weekly cultural magazine in my country, I have written about Superman several times, and will be sending you my articles.

Pedro Saad Herrerma
Quito - Ecuador

- Pedro Saad Herrerma, Sun, 3 Aug 1997 12:31:53 GMT

You're very welcome, Pedro, and we look forward to hearing more!

My dear old grandmother had a sale several years ago. Well, one of the items she sold (for 10 cents) was my dad's copy of the Action Comics #1 where Superman made his debut. I am sure those out there in Cyberspace would like to kill Grandma. If the truth were known, I think I would too, except I loved her chocolate chip cookies!

Scott D. Vroegindewey
Warrensburg, MO

- Scott D. Vroegindewey, Sat, 2 Aug 1997 18:59:52 GMT

Just remember that money isn't everything!

A great site. I just acquired an original #8 Superman Comic in excellent condition. I doubt it's ever been read! (c.1942 I think, it's not here with me) Could you give me an idea of how much it is worth today?

- D.Johnson, Fri, 1 Aug 1997 18:17:33 GMT

September, 1997 Guest Book entries

August, 1997 Guest Book entries

July, 1997 Guest Book entries

June, 1997 Guest Book entries


Thanks to everyone for signing the guest book and for your kind words - they are very much appreciated!

Regarding the blue-and-white costume: We're trying to focus on something a bit different here at - but for Inferno, carlos, and anyone else interested, The Superman Homepage maintains a page all about it.


If you have comments not intended for the Guest Book, please send email instead.   Thanks!

Superman Thru the Ages

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