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Guest Book Entries from June, 1997!


This is the most wonderful Superman-Web page I have ever seen. I'm a Spanish Superman collector with 5,000 Superman comics and looking for Superman through the Internet I've seen a lot of Web pages, but these ones are the best. Three hours of Internet Sesion and trying to print all the pages. Impossible. Felicidades! Congratulations!
Mariano Bayona Estradera from Barcelona SPAIN.

- Mariano Bayona Estradera, Mon, 30 Jun 1997 19:36:59 GMT

Great site.

- Max MacLeod, Sun, 29 Jun 1997 20:34:20 GMT

I wanna read all above of superman and be have something of him please send me e-mail (I don't speak english I live in guadalajara jal mexico I wanna have friends of all world)

- vladymyr (to proinco), Sat, 28 Jun 1997 15:48:19 GMT

An EXCELLENT site, but you should put in more about the new Supes (whether we all hate it or not) it is definitely a part of Superman history. Also Maybe you make pictures downloadable, the S shield would make great wallpaper. Anyway keep up the good work.

- Gary LeClaire, Fri, 27 Jun 1997 03:22:18 GMT

Thanks Gary - please see this note!

Fraser turns 4 tomorrow. We found this site tonight and he is delighted. Moved on to find Supergirl, Krypto and lots of other stuff. The site is great fun and as his father I was pleased to see that my memory is not as poor as I feared. Excellent graphics and a terrific record of an important part of my childhood.

Don't we all wish we'd kept those comics for our kids! Think what they are worth today.

Thanks for your site.

- Fraser Houston, Wed, 25 Jun 1997 03:21:58 GMT

Bless you for offering a page that commemorates Superman in ALL his incarnations, and not just the latest gimmick. I had despaired of ever seeing the "Real" (Pre-Crisis) Kal-El honored on the Web, but here he is in all his glory! The graphics are terrific, and the info is fun. Keep up the great work!

- David Morefield, Mon, 23 Jun 1997 14:35:24 GMT

Nice page, will you put on the newest costume?!

- Inferno, Sat, 21 Jun 1997 05:37:44 GMT

this is a great site superman is the best action hero ever.

- zeke thompson, Thu, 19 Jun 1997 20:09:18 GMT

This is a good webpage. out of all the superheroes, Superman deserves that honor. With the 60th birthday coming next year, it should make those so called heroes like spawn realize why a hero like Superman has endured over the years.

- Gregory, Thu, 19 Jun 1997 18:06:39 GMT

This is an excellent page for all fans of Superman!

- Clark (it's really my name), Thu, 19 Jun 1997 01:36:05 GMT

Keep UP the Good work Happy canada day!

- Polarman, Thu, 19 Jun 1997 00:31:00 GMT


- GREG, Mon, 17 Jun 1997 00:51:42 GMT

I think it is great that you contribute to such a well known superhero. Keep up the Good work.

- aaron, Fri, 13 Jun 1997 02:42:22 GMT

great page!

- Peter Elzner, Wed, 11 Jun 1997 08:54:35 GMT

its really great this page please try to put the new superman costume, and more pictures

- carlos brana, Wed, 11 Jun 1997 06:01:13 GMT

Thanks to everyone for signing the guest book and for your kind words - they are very much appreciated!

Regarding the blue-and-white costume: We're trying to focus on something a bit different here at - but for Inferno, carlos, and anyone else interested, The Superman Homepage maintains a page all about it.



August, 1997 Guest Book entries

July, 1997 Guest Book entries

If you have comments not intended for the Guest Book, please send email instead.   Thanks!

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