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I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE! IT IS MORE THAN COOL and I'm hoping you might be able to reprint the 70's Sandman Series.
It's a shame that there isn't a similar type of website for the other DC characters (Bats, GL, WW,et al... and if there is one for each, I'd love to get the URL) that allows fans to read what I feel are seminal events in the evolution of these heroes of Americana Pop Culture.
Thank you for all your excellent work on this site. Excelsior!
Brian , December 17, 2003
Adriana, <SupermanBaby03 @aol.com>December 12, 2003
bryan gore, December 10, 2003
Just a little claim to fame. Did you know that you are a Googlewhack? There is a comedian in England called Dave Gorman, who is currently doing a show called his Great Googlewhack adventure. I saw his show and had to try and find one.
Basically a Googlewhack is when you use Search Engine Google with two possibly random words, (But correct spelling) and it only finds one site which matches.
You are that site with the search parameters ofhumanoid filtrums.
Strange but true, but I just thought you would like to know.
Dave Grice, December 3, 2003
Finding this site is as awesome as being 4 years old, waking up christmas morning and finding a mego Superman under the christmas tree. This is, without a doubt, my favorite site on the internet. This is excellent, excellent stuff. You've made this Superman fan very happy. Thank you.
mistah pie eyes, <mistahpieeyes @aol.com>,November 24, 2003
this is a good site.
pankasj, <pkbrusli@rediff.com>, November 15, 2003
this is one of the most wonderful sites I have ever seen, and surely the best Superman site there is. Superman is, as you may guess, my most favorite superhero, he is the first and greatest, when I was a child I heard about him and was fascinated from the start, later when we moved to another country I saw a comic of him for the first time, even though I read much about other heroes, whome I like too, he will always stay my favorite. The best post-crisis Comics I ever read about him are Kingdom Come and Peace on Earth, if someone has other superb propositions for me feel free to mail me.
-Luke-El <Lukasz@DSLore.net>, November 11, 2003
hello, I'm fall in love with dean he is really cute, and I really like his movie broken heart and superman. This site is great!!!!!!!!!!
sabrina, November 8, 2003
Hello people!
I only want to say, this site is great!
I cannot say more things because i do not know how to speak english, but I like the Superman stories and I think this site has cool things about Superman.
Viciado em Quadrinhos, November 2, 2003
I absoulutly love superman i have everything that has to do with it and i hope to get a superman tattoo soon!
Katrina Foster, October 31, 2003
I think that superman is the best comics books that i had read in my all life, but also the cartoons and movies. I think that Superman is the hero of the century.
Guido Paguay, October 24, 2003
the other day, i was looking in the attic and i came across a white slid over case. in the case were superman cards - perfect conditon - from what i think is when superman started. i was woundering what kind of value they could have.
email me if you know anything
justin, October 19, 2003
I have been a Superman fan since I can remember.
Ron <Ronns3@adelphia.net>, October 16, 2003
There are no words..."phantasmagoric" comes to mind but even that falls short. What a beautiful way to fritter away one's time. Sincere thanks. Keep it up!
Paul, October 4, 2003
Thanks, your site is great!!
September 11, 2003
Hi Everybody! I just wanted to tell you all that I love this site! Superman was always my childhood hero, and he still is. I have a collection of Superman comics the oldest of which is I believe 1956... I'm not quite sure the year, but it's somewhere around that year. Anyway, I was just recently able to read how Superman and Lex Luthor first met. Although I have seen this story over the years in bits and pieces (never in it's entirety), I was finally able to read the whole thing. I absolutely loved it. I wish I had that one for my collection. Anyway, part of the reason why I love Superman so much is because he takes me back to when I was a kid. You know the deal... those bye-gone times when everything you read seemed a lot more real than it is now. lol Anyway, I still like to read my Superman comics whenever I need to escape for a while. I'm saving my comics to pass on to my children one day. If anyone out here wants to email me feel free to do so. I love making new friends. Bye the way, except for the creators of Superman, I believe I know just about everything there is to know about the man of steel. This is a fantastic site and I really enjoy it. I have it saved to my favorite places. Take care everybody. God Bless you all.
Rob Cockerham, <JesussDisciple@msn.com>,September 14, 2003
Just popped by and saw your query as to the url for the Silver Age Legion of Super-Heroes so here it is:
Lotsa fun for Silver Agers and Legion fans alike with photo manips, member monitor boards and even an animated trailer for "The Ghost of Ferro Lad" with "Return of the Fatal Five" (I supplied the voice of not only Brainiac 5 but Tharok as well! heh heh) in development by super fans Jo and Terri-Anne Sanning alias Jo (Ultra Boy) Nah and Tinya (Phantom Girl) Razzo!
Since my last missive, I've changed ISPs and now have high speed so I've been enjoying all the online comics here and even lurking on the Superman forums under my secret identity of...
whoops! THAT would be telling! Lets just say I like the 30th Century...
Can't help you with Linda's Supergirl site as it appears to be down and Linda's seemed to have disappearaed as well...maybe that darn Cir-el had something to with it.
Recently have been downloading some of the Superman radio shows and by the time they went to a half hour format, the formula was quite familar to those who grew up on the teleseries with Reeves and Company..
To Great Rao, Nightwing, and all the others keeping this site going and growing, I compliment you on your good taste and enduring faith in an ideal, an icon, a modern myth for all mankind...Superman.
As always,
Richard SamuEL SiegEL
Up, Up and..........away!
Richard Siegel, September 9, 2003
Superman is the greatest hero ever conceived in human history. He has been a part of my life forever. There will never be anyone like the man of steel.
Al, September 5, 2003
I just won a cream bun from a work colleague who said that Superman didn't have a dog. More bones for Krypto!
Ava Soe, September 5, 2003
We watched this show everyday. Please put back on Superman with Dean Cain and Terri Hatcher. There is NO ONE that can replace those two! We are lost now that you have taken the show off. It was like a part of our everyday lives. All our friends were talking about it this week-end and they are sad about this also. So please put the show back on! We viewed it on TBS each morning from 8:00-10:00. Even if the time changes we will still watch it. Thanks
Donna, September 3, 2003
You may be aware that LeatherBelts.com carries the very cool SUPERMAN belt buckle in solid brass. I wanted to let you know that we now offer it in the highly anticipated and much requested silver chrome. SUPERMAN buckles can be purchased at our webstore at www.leatherbelts.com/4356-BAR.html. This buckle is only $16.95 plus we also offer real leather belt in a variety of colors for $15.00.
Jesse L. Rye, August 29, 2003
Let's see the dc presents annual which the 2 supermen with the good lex luthor take on the 2 lex luthors and the evil superman or ultraman. How about the 2 part galonia vs toran storyline which introduced lex luthor and the powerstone storyline and also let's see the ultra humanite?
sfan, August 21, 2003
I'm an old fan (retirement age--oops!) Had a wonderful visit. Would like to know if Lois and Clark, The New Adventures of Superman episodes are for sale anywhere; tapes or DVDs. Thank you.
Hispanam, August 19, 2003
Great site! It's the best Superman site I have ever seen!
An Italian fan, August 16, 2003
Smallville is a awesome show!!! Tom Welling is so perfect for the role of Clark Kent. He will make a mega great Superman!!!
Rock on Smallville and Tom Welling!
Tom Wellings Number 1 Fan 4~ever!!!
Kelly, August 15, 2003
Superman is the greatest comic book hero that there will ever be.
Anonymous, August 10, 2003
hi! i've been a big fan of the big blue since i was a kid. he's the greatest. update the website like more cool images. bye for now! tnx
nteng, August 7, 2003
Great Site!
joe zywicki, August 4, 2003
Hey, guys, how about showing that story in which the Supermen of earths 1 and 2 battle their Lex Luthors which also showed the Earth 3 Superman(Ultraman) who was a villain and their Lex Luthor who was a good guy. Also how about the golden age storyline that involved Lex Luthor and the powerstone and how about the original baldie the Ultra Humanite?
sfan, August 4, 2003
Undoubtedly, the best Superman website of all! It is just too cool to be able to see complete comic books online, both issues I used to own or never got to see to begin with. You guys keep up the great work! I've lost touch with the Superman legacy over the years until I caught on to the new TV show Smallville, the most brilliant depiction of the Man of Steel (especially his early days) of all time, in my opinion. I intend to learn more about this earth/alternate earth stuff. Sounds interesting.
I'm one of those thousands of guys who'd be rich now if my mother hadn't disposed of my hundreds of comic books.
I was a BIG fan of Curt Swan and always wished that Neal Adams had drawn Superman and Action Comics at least half as often as he drew Batman, Green Lantern, etc.
Best wishes,
Allen Davis, August 2, 2003
Hey, guys, how about printing the DC Presents story in which the Supermen of both earths battled the Lex Luthors of both earths which also had the Evil Superman or Ultraman as he is called and their Lex Luthor was a good guy. Also, how about the golden age story arc involving Lex Luthor and the Powerstone and how about the original villain the Ultra Humanite?
Anonymous, August 1, 2003
Thanks for keeping the memory of the Silver-Age Superman alive and well!!! Your website brings back a lot of happy memories of what Superman used to be about! Stories of Superboy in Smallville, Krypto the superdog, a Lex Luthor who's sole hatred towards Superman revolves around the fact that Superboy caused him to go bald as a teenager - these are things that are sadly missing from today's Superman comics and the main reason - in my opinion - why sales have plummeted. Your website reminds me of a time when comics used to be FUN to read and not so serious or politically dramatized. Thanks again for making such a great website!!! I come here often!
Darrell Ellis, July 20, 2003
Been a fan for years, but I didn't know that Superman and Jimmy Olsen, Van Zee and Ak Var teamed up as two sets of Nightwing and Flamebird for one story.
When was this and is there a copy online?
tony young, July 13, 2003
Always interested in the new adventures of Superman and what is in store for the coming years with him and his new theme park. Good Luck to all.
Judy Hawkins, July 12, 2003
Not sure where to begin. I am the granddaughter ofJames G. Smith of Westport and I have a water color of the local beach thatMr. Swan painted for my "poppa" in 1966. Just had to look up the history behind the artist and let anybody know I had this water color.
Karen, June 22, 2003
Superman was my first crush ever! I remember watching the movie as a little girl and getting butterflies in my stomach. All of a sudden, I realized that maybe boys weren't so bad, what cuties? I love and thank Superman for introducing me to the opposite sex!
Lolo, June 13, 2003
Kool site!
Chris <Smartart @ aol.com>, June 9, 2003
Supergirl is my favorite superheroine! I even like her better than Superman. I've created Potentia, a character identical to Titaness Supergirl.
Sir Caglar Singletary, May 29, 2003
geri, May 26, 2003
i find you have got a great page.
steve, May 22, 2003
In 1964 I was unable to get the Composite Superman story in World's Finest. Had to wait ten years before it was printed in a Superman Annual. The Annual mentioned there was a sequel, which I never found. I just read "Return of the Composite Superman" for the*very first time* on your website. (BIG smile) Nightwing, thank you!
Brooks, May 21, 2003
I love Superman so much. This is my first time here. I tried to find nice websites and this is the one I found and really like. I'm a BIG fan of SUPERMAN, my room is covered with the best and only number one superhero. I'm really in love with Clark he is my dream. Guys at school make fun of me because they say I like a weakling and that they can beat SUPERMAN up. They can kiss my *!#$
Laryssa, May 19, 2003
good site.
I fell in love with Superman when i was watching the new adventures of Lois and Clark
elina, tyska @ free.fr, May 18, 2003
i was a kid love to read superman comics and think i was superman run around house in my flying and have super powers toys to books and comics 1966 to 1976 it was cool novel book the death of superman i was shocked to see supe dead and live to fight like toyman to doomsday undersea with aquaman are soso i am big fan silver age superman 50s to the eighties but this superman suck get marry whole yuck all supe fan write to dc and say we like siver age superman, batman wonder woman
christopher adams, chris_adams23, May 9, 2003
The site is really good!
Keep up the good work!
tom, <tom @ die-pkv.de> May 9, 2003
People, People, People.
I'm getting sick of hearing and seeing all of these stupid superheros like Spiderman, Daredevil, and Batman getting these multi-million dollar movies. The whole world is waiting for the great SUPERMAN movie to come. Now I know there are other movies, but we need a NEW Superman using all the technology available today to portray this truly super man and all of his glory. Please make a movie that will show everyone SUPERMAN is the best superhero ever. Thanks.
A devoted fan
P.S. I am willing to give advice and be a part of the movie's production.
Carl, May 1, 2003
Smallville is my absolute favorite show! When I was younger I used to watch Lois & Clark and ever since then, I've loved everything about Superman!!!
long live Superman!!! :-D
Jess, April 30, 2003
What an outstanding site! An absolute joy to discover. Thank you for all your work to create this wealth of information, which has answered so many of my questions. I watched the television show with George Reeves as a child, as well as reading the comics, and was dazzled by the first Superman with Christopher Reeve. And now I am drawn like a magnet into the television episodes of Smallville, which has managed to keep the powerful image of the good and just motive and action in the character--an image we need in this day and age more than ever. And now in your site to find out the origins in such detail, and see the changes through the decades, is a real delight. Again, my great thanks to you.
Regina Clarke, <DesertLight7 @ aol.com>, April 30, 2003
Alex N. Wood, April 9, 2003
I just wanted to say that your website really put a smile on my face. I tripped over these pages while doing a search for various Superman related items (Daily Planet, Lois Lane, etc.) for my Daily Planet news page. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. A wealth of Superman related information. Thanks for the memories ...
Tom Arnone, April 7, 2003
Superman rocks!! Where is the Death and Life of Superman?! Can ya get me a copy?
Tyler Scott, March 16, 2003
This is a good web page I am doing a report on Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and found good things about them.
Garzaking64, February 10, 2003
Hello folks at Superman Through The Ages!
I have visited your site off and on. As a kid (I'm in my late 40s now), I read many a Superman comic, although I was first introduce to him by television (the George Reeves TV series). I enjoy reading the various old editions of the comics.
In the "Superman on the Screen" part of the website, you don't have anything to say about the Supergirl movie. Are you going to have anything about that movie on the "Screen" part of your website?
Thank You!
Ronald Simpson, February 1, 2003
Thanks very much for writing, Ronald, and we're very glad that you like the site! Superman Thru the Ages is a work in progress, and a section covering the Supergirl movie is one of the many items on our list of planned additions. In the meantime, we do have a few stills from Helen Slater's screen test at the bottom of this page.
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