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Dear Great Rao:

Here it is (10) yrs later since my last guestbook entry and my son is now (10) yrs old and enjoying the DC universe with him more than ever. I want to thank the all DC Writers and Pencilars the all the great Superman comic adventures over the last (10) yrs. Below is my last entry from 2000:
    Dear Great Rao:

    Since 1964 (age 5), I have always been a fan of the Man of Steel.  He has always projected the vision of strength and character that every boy in the 1960s has always wanted to be growing up in that decade.  Now as a 41 year old adult I still believe in the concepts that Kal-El, a.k.a Superman, has always projected: Truth, Justice and the American Way.  I am now a father of a (6) month old, and hope I can instill the love I have for DC Universe into him by the time is a young man.  Thank you for a continuing lifetime of comicbook thrills.


    - Jim Doumouras, September 21, 2000
Jim Doumouras, September 12, 2010

Hi on your site you have a T-Shirt pictured with Superman and Krypto and I was wondering if you knew where I could get one...thanks

JB, August 20, 2010

Hi JB - that shirt features the original cover to the Starwinds Howl fanzine, and unfortunately it is no longer available.  Very sorry about that!

I just saw the Dallas Theatre Center's "revisal" of the musical "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman." If you get a chance, google the Dallas Theatre Center and the play name—the local press (Dallas Morning News, Dallas Observer, etc) have been following the behind the scenes on this one pretty closely and the behind the scenes story of the production is pretty interesting in and of itself.

The artistic director basically took the music from the original 60s Broadway show and hired comic writer/playwright/Big Love writer (and all around groovy guy) Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa to write a new book/story.

My partner is not a comic fan (although he indulges me—we took a side road trip to Metropolis Illinois last summer—we took a side trip to his favorite Lucille Ball's hometown the previous road trip, but I digress) but is a huge musical fan, and both of us walked out really raving.

It was amazing to see families and teenage boys being in the audience of a musical—a local comic store had ad space in the program, too.

DC/Warner apparently blocked usage of certain characters, so new analogues were created.  To any comic fan it was pretty obvious that Max was Lex Luthor, Sydney was Cat Grant, Court Jester was Prankster, Jack in the Box was Toyman (down to his alter ego's name), Blackbird was Magpie, Jupiter James was Terra Man, Beppo was Bibbo, Tank Tanner was Steve Lombard, Cadabra and Kazam were Hocus and Pocus, Sombra the Scarlet Widow was the Spider Lady from the 40s serial, Dr. Sedgewick was Dr. Hamilton, Torchy was Jimmy Olsen, Emily was Lana)

The little nods to the comics were great—Stryker's Island, Lois's middle name and mentions of General Lane, mentions of Brainiac, the Fortress, the different kinds of Kryptonite, the destruction of Krypton opening.  Setting it in 1939 was great, as were the costumes (the use of the original Superman costume was inspired).

It was also really cool to have a culturally diverse cast and realize that no one really cared (Lois is played by an African American actress and the entire cast is diverse).

The actress playing Sydney was especially amazing.  Matt Cavanaugh as Superman was wonderful.

Xanadude, May 29, 2010

Sorry for the changes, but what matters is that you are back.  I've been a fan of this page over a year now.  Keep it up for the original superhero.

Idris, May 25, 2010

I love your site, and anything about the man of steel.  I remember his death at the hands of Doomsday like it was just yesterday, and not way back in 1992.  Our principal was reading the action over the PA—done like the old serials and radio shows.  Then came that fateful day in November 1992, we were all excited about how it would end, then came the final panal, doomsday was vanquished and Superman...was dead... Our lives were in tatters.  I remember the silence and how there was really no other news except that, and it stuck with me to this very day.

Cameron Truesdell, April 5, 2010

Dear Great Rao,

I have always been a fan of the Man of Steel.  He has always projected the vision of strength and character that every boy in the 1960s has always wanted to be growing up in that decade.  Now as a 50 year old adult I still believe in the concepts that Kal-El, a.k.a Superman, has always projected: Truth, Justice and the American Way.  I am a father of a (10) yr old son, and he has the same love as I have for the DC Universe.  Thank you for a continuing lifetime of comicbook thrills.


Jim and Will Doumouras, March 5, 2010

Dear Great Rao,

The last time, I emailed your site was 06/2000, the year my son was born.  Well, he is (10) yrs old and a huge Batman/Superman Fan just like Dad.  I wanted to say your website is excellent and continue to provide a lifetime of comicbook thrill presentations for all of us.


Jim Doumouras
James IH Superman
March 5, 2010

2010 Guest Book entries
2003 Guest Book entries
2002 Guest Book entries
2001 Guest Book entries
2000 Guest Book entries
Sep-Dec, 1999 Guest Book entries
Jan-Aug, 1999 Guest Book entries
1998 Guest Book entries
December, 1997 Guest Book entries
November, 1997 Guest Book entries
October, 1997 Guest Book entries
September, 1997 Guest Book entries
August, 1997 Guest Book entries
July, 1997 Guest Book entries
June, 1997 Guest Book entries

Thanks to everyone for signing the guest book!
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